Friday, June 18, 2010

Off the Wagon but I am back....LHA

Self-sabotage is an evil thing.  I was involved in a biggest loser competition with some folks that I work with.  I lost 19 lbs during the competition, the winner lost 20lbs.  I did not read the fine print.  The fine print said that the winner would be based off of percentage of weight lost, not lbs lost.  I came in at 4th place.  I did everything right,  I ate well, I  exercised frequently and was pretty optimistic about the competition, I was sure that I was at least going to come in 2nd place.  But I did not.  4th.

4th place doesn't win everything.  Everyone says how great I look and what progress I have made but I think it was about the winning.  Even though I know I have won because I have lost so much weight.  In any case, I sabotaged my progress ever since the competition ended. 

Once the competition ended I had an alcoholic beverage and I only worked out 3 times that week.  I also ate within my points but my  food choices were not exactly the best.

Last week, I only worked out 2x because I went on a 3day senior trip with the seniors at my school to two amusement parks and a beach where the food choices I made were not exactly healthy.  And even though I made a concerted effort to work out (put on heart monitor, sneakers and work out clothes) in the hotel gym, to my utter disgust the three cardio machines that were available in the 90+ degree room were rusty, outdated, squeaky and dangerous.  I walked a lot though.

Which brings me to this week.  I was tired.  I didn't rest much so Monday and Wednesday I slept for 12 hrs.  Yesterday was the first day I worked out this week.  I worked out for 2hrs.  I recommitted to my original purpose which is to lose, lose, lose.

I can't change what I did not do, I can only change my behaviors for the future.  So I am back.  On target.

My apologies to the LHA'ers who didn't hear from me, I haven't disappeared quite yet.

My current weight is:

198.6 lbs.


Patricia said...

It's OK!! I fall off the plan almost weekly (I blame the weekends) - then I start again.

Christine Jeske said...

It's not the falling down, it's the getting back up that counts. Over and over. :D

Deb said...

It's not a fail when you pick yourself up and keep on going, it's just a detour.

Erin said...

so glad you're back on target! you have a great attitude and with that, you can dooo itttt!!!! :)

Heather & Chaos said...

Congrats to you for getting back on the wagon! We all fall down, it's how fast we get up that makes us winners! I've fallen and haven't been able to get up for a long time. You can do this!! You are a winner! Let's go Team 2!!!

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