Monday, July 5, 2010


This month has been especially hard on me.  I have had the sneaky desire to  stop my efforts and say F, this I am eating cheeseburgers, but I have not done so.  I think about how great it feels to have excellent eating habits and how awesome it feels to work out.  And so I have not succumbed.  I had to look at things in perspective.  I realized that just two months ago I weighed 207lbs.  Although this month has been slow in weight loss for me I am still steadily losing.  YAY ME!

Today I weighed in at 196.2 I hit the gym a few times, for a total of 215 minutes.  I lost -1.6 lbs!  Yes.  Yes. Yes.

Also, I am running again.  No, like really running.  Like treadmill is on incline level 3, running for 30 minutes straight running.  This my friends is HUGE progress!

I must remember not to lose perspective. 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last week of school

This year's last week of school was the busiest I have ever been.  I had three different meetings and events I had to attend afterschool and I was busy inputting data into spreadsheets for my new job as a network instructional coach.  The time has been bittersweet as Rm. 201 is where I have flourished as a teacher and I have been able to put my vision of education into practice, you know really putting my words into action.  All of this busy kept me away from blogging this past week.  I managed to exercise a few times, but not enough that is notable or even to be proud of.  I am hoping that I can get back into the swing of things and be strong and get back into my 5x a week groove.  I am starting today. 

My weight:  197.8
Exercise.  180 mins.

(last week, I am two days late LHA)

My desire is that I can refocus my energy and lay off the nightly beer/wine that I treated myself to all last week!  Who am I! I never drink that often in real life...

'Til Monday....

Happy weekend....

Friday, June 18, 2010

Off the Wagon but I am back....LHA

Self-sabotage is an evil thing.  I was involved in a biggest loser competition with some folks that I work with.  I lost 19 lbs during the competition, the winner lost 20lbs.  I did not read the fine print.  The fine print said that the winner would be based off of percentage of weight lost, not lbs lost.  I came in at 4th place.  I did everything right,  I ate well, I  exercised frequently and was pretty optimistic about the competition, I was sure that I was at least going to come in 2nd place.  But I did not.  4th.

4th place doesn't win everything.  Everyone says how great I look and what progress I have made but I think it was about the winning.  Even though I know I have won because I have lost so much weight.  In any case, I sabotaged my progress ever since the competition ended. 

Once the competition ended I had an alcoholic beverage and I only worked out 3 times that week.  I also ate within my points but my  food choices were not exactly the best.

Last week, I only worked out 2x because I went on a 3day senior trip with the seniors at my school to two amusement parks and a beach where the food choices I made were not exactly healthy.  And even though I made a concerted effort to work out (put on heart monitor, sneakers and work out clothes) in the hotel gym, to my utter disgust the three cardio machines that were available in the 90+ degree room were rusty, outdated, squeaky and dangerous.  I walked a lot though.

Which brings me to this week.  I was tired.  I didn't rest much so Monday and Wednesday I slept for 12 hrs.  Yesterday was the first day I worked out this week.  I worked out for 2hrs.  I recommitted to my original purpose which is to lose, lose, lose.

I can't change what I did not do, I can only change my behaviors for the future.  So I am back.  On target.

My apologies to the LHA'ers who didn't hear from me, I haven't disappeared quite yet.

My current weight is:

198.6 lbs.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


-1.4 lbs!

What can I say.  I went to a cabin with friends and while they were boozing it up and eating everything in sight, I kept to my plan, ate healthy food and ran everyday that I was there, up a monstrous hill with a KILLER incline.  

In any case here are my stats.
worked out:  185 minutes
Big Loser Loss: 18 lbs
Total Loss:  31.6 lbs


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sweetness. -2.2

-2.2 lbs.

This week was a little challenging for me.  All week I was surrounded by Italian food.  It started on Tuesday with pizza, then Wednesday pasta, Thursday Italian Sandwiches, Friday Pizza and Saturday pizza.  It was a challenge to resist and not partake every single time.  Don't get me wrong I did not say NO, but I don't feel like I had to.  I ate in moderation and I did not feel like I needed more or ate too much.  I also worked out for 235 minutes.  On Thursday, I worked out for 120 minutes.  Let's just say I almost had another DJ tanner moment but I am not crash dieting, I just forget to prepare for such an intense workout.

I also ate Japanese food and Indian food this week.  My diet was not normal and I was not anticipating a big loss.  So I am super excited that I lost this much.  I did not over indulge and I stayed within my points so I guess that matters but I do not like how my body feels this week.  

For this week I plan on eating a lot more vegetables and protein.  Hope you guys had a great week!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

1450 calories...

Who burns 1450 calories in 2 hrs????

I DO!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


-2.4 lbs!
...celebrate good times, come on!
So happy about being in the 190s.  Wow. I thought I would never see this number.  I can't say I did anything different.  I ate within my points, worked out.  You know the usual.  I did feel a bit sick during the week and rested that seemed to knock out whatever was planning to attack my immune system. 

I only worked out 3x this week, but managed to work out for a total of 190 mins.  Not the best but considering how crappy I felt this week, it is better than nothing.  I plan on working out 5x this week.  

Good luck LHAers!


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